random thoughts

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

With no idea where I will work, where I will live or what my life will look like in a matter of months, I realize that it would be extremely helpful if I had a control-alt-delete shortcut to restart when I'm in freakout mode.
In related news, an entire bag of gummy bears does not unlock that combination.

Sunday, July 08, 2012

Poetry from the Brookline Police Blotter

Plant thefts mystify Brookline police, residents

For three days, Faith Michaels toiled in 95-degree heat planting a garden for a client on Irving Street. When she came back on the fourth day, the garden was littered with gaping holes. A botanical bandit had purloined more than $500 of her prized perennials.

Brookline Police: Holiday decorating leads to groin kicking

A Newton teen frosted about icing a gingerbread house on Sunday now faces charges she kicked another woman in the groin and threw ginger ale in her face.

It's the specificity that makes it so profound.

Friday, July 06, 2012

I wish my dreams would just leave me alone.
Expectations are everything. Only in the world of first dates does "not horrible" count as a rave review.
Can someone be hot on paper?
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